Q1: How to germinate marijuana seeds?

We live in a time where “do it yourself” has become the trend of the day. Globally the world is experiencing a great pandemic which has resulted in a lot of business being shutdown. But with the decrease in the supply of marijuana due to lockdown in place, are you considering learning how to germinate marijuana seeds? Why don't you grab a coffee as you read through this article?

First of all, what is germination? Germination can best be described as a process whereby a new plant begins its growth from a seed. Some call it popping while others call it germination and this is the beginning step needed in cultivating your cannabis garden. Cannabis seeds appear in different qualities and it's important to buy mature seeds that have a hard feel and are dark brown. This article will provide all the information needed when germinating marijuana seeds.

Germination of marijuana seeds require primarily 3 things which are:


Heat and


With the presence of these things above, it is very easy to germinate your cannabis seed. In a clearer term, using paper saturated with water is highly recommended. To accomplish this method you need


Paper towels and

2 clean plates

Step 1:

Soak four sheets of paper towels with distilled water. Ensure you use a sizable quantity of water so as not to be excessively wet.

Step 2:

Use two of the paper towels and spread on a plate. Place the cannabis seeds a little far from each other and close up with the remaining two sheets of paper towels.

Step 3:

When creating a dark space, get another plate and flip it over the seeds to cover them like a dome.

Step 4:

Always ensure the area which the cannabis seeds are planted is relatively warm. To be on a safer side ensure it is around 70-90°F.

Once these 4 steps are completed, exercising patience is the next step to take. If possible always check to know if the seeds are saturated and if you notice any reduction in their moisture, do well to add more water to moisturize the seeds. Note that some seeds do not delay when germinating while others take a bit longer. For you to know if the seed has germinated, the seed will split and pop out leaves.


Q2: How to start marijuana seeds

To start up the growth of marijuana seeds, it is important to have enough space to have healthy growth. Before popping a seed, survey your garden and ensure your time availability, prepare your growth space and make clear your intention. A seed is likened to the blueprint for life as it can sprout and produce only when planted in a warm and conducive environment.

Starting the growth of marijuana seeds involves more than just warmth. Aer moisture is needed for it to yield a better result. Marijuana sprouts at 72°F in a conducive and moist environment. The first sign is a little enlargement which can be successful when the right amount of water is absorbed. To be on a safer side, pay close attention to any little opening around the seeds seam as the root grows. Once the stem starts making an appearance, then the root must have elongated thus having its growth downwards. The seed spreads out in two opposite directions and shows two different embryonic leaves popularly referred to as cotyledons.

The initial growth process involved the energy gotten from the seed but for it to produce its fruit, it must make use of photosynthesis. As the growth continues and the root enlarges, the first batch of new leaves grows at the tip of the stem. This is otherwise referred to as the Apical Tip.


Q3. How to grow marijuana from seeds.

You may probably be contemplating how to grow marijuana from seeds and where to start. Well, the answer is not far fetched. To successfully grow marijuana from seeds, getting a dark environment is essential and it must measure at least 70°f. There are different ways to germinate seeds, which may be through:

The soil

In starter plugs

In wet paper towels.

Another method that can be used, is sowing the marijuana seeds into the soil directly. You must ensure the soil is fluffy and light so the root can penetrate through the ground. Through this method, the stalk will be able to break through the soil layer. When planting, the depth shouldn’t exceed 1/2inch and make sure the seeds are covered loosely with soil.

Q4. How to grow marijuana seeds.

Learning how to grow marijuana from seeds can be truly rewarding. Your knowledge of this process can be of great benefit especially when learning how to produce marijuana seeds of your own. By getting the right seed, an average person can develop from a cannabis enthusiast to a breeder.

There are different ways to get your seed. In some countries, growing marijuana is illegal and you may have to order online. But other times you may choose to clone or grow from scratch. To get the right seed may be difficult but if you are fortunate enough to get one, growing your marijuana seed won't be difficult. The following should adhere strictly when growing marijuana seed

1.       Colour:

It is better to search for a dark brown seed. In some cases, marijuana seeds may have little brown or more black than brown. Such seeds can be used for planting. Make sure you avoid green or pale seeds.

2.       Hardness:

Marijuana seeds must have a hardback. Avoid getting seeds with a softshell.

3.       Size:

This varies according to different locations. Indicas seed is larger but Sativa is uniform and smaller in size.

Growing marijuana seeds requires time, attention, a good environment and the right temperature( at least 70°F).

Q5: How to sprout marijuana seeds:

Learning how to sprout your marijuana seed can be less stressful. To germinate your marijuana seed, there are different ways you may choose to consider amongst which are

1.       Pre-soak method

2.       The direct soil method

3.       The paper towel method


1.       Pre-soak method:

This method requires soaking your seed in warm water ensuring that it sinks deep to the bottom of the container or glass. This system is used to ensure that the seeds are moist before planting.

 Some may choose to wait until a root appears while others may wait up to seven days.

2.       The Direct soil method:

Using this method involves having a small container or glass of prepared soil. To be on a safer side, make a little quarter or half an inch well into the soil. You can choose to use dry seed or you may pre-soak your seed. Ensure you spray a little amount of water on the soil before planting.

3.       The paper towel method:

This is the most widely used method. It takes more time than others but is highly effective. This method will help prevent rot. All you need to do is to get a paper towel, moisten it, place your marijuana seed in it, fold it and put the towel into a plastic baggie. If possible keep the plastic baggie in a warm dark place and watch carefully so it doesn’t mould. It takes two days for the root to grow before you can transplant the seed into the soil.

Q6. How to plant marijuana seeds:

Learning how to plant marijuana seeds doesn’t require special talent or technique. All that is required are the basic techniques which are, fine soil, constant attention, healthy environment and good temperature.

Step one:

You can choose to buy your seed online( if it's illegal in your country) or you may buy from a local seller( within your country). The seed should be dark brown and must have a hardback. Prepare your soil if you want to plant directly or you may choose to use the paper towel method which involves purchasing a paper towel to wrap up the seed before planting.

Step two:

Ensure the seed is planted not too deep into the ground. Do not expose the seed to too much light as marijuana seeds are fragile and it may lead to slow growth. The white root tip must be facing downward. Do not delay to plant to have healthy growth.

Step three:

The garden should be around 70°F to 90°F and the seed must be moist. The dry seed will not produce your desired result which is why you must ensure that your seeds are constantly moist. Lastly, the seed shouldn't be planted deep underground, at least a half-inch into the ground is enough. The energy gotten from marijuana seeds makes it grow faster when planted lightly into the soil.

Q7: How long does it take for marijuana seeds to germinate?

If you are contemplating growing your marijuana seeds, you may need to know the time duration needed for your seed to germinate. To cut the story short, marijuana seeds take about 24 to 48 hours to germinate. All you must do is to ensure they are kept in a dark and moist environment. Keeping them in a propagator or a cupboard is ideal and it will help it germinate early.

The first two days, they crack and bring out their protective shell. Subsequently, they bring out leaves and after two weeks their vegetation period starts. Sometimes you may be bothered if your seed hasn't cracked its shell after the first two days. To be on a safer side, always ensure it is kept in a warm and moist environment.

Q8: How long does it take to Germinate marijuana seeds

To determine the period needed to germinate marijuana seeds depends solely on how warm and moist the environment is. To get your desired result within the first 2 days, you must ensure your environment is conducive enough. A dark and moist environment produces a faster result. Within the first two days, the seed breaks its shell and after that, they show their first leaves.

The next process is the seeds vegetation and you need a maximum of two weeks before your seed can successfully germinate. During this period of waiting, you must always ensure the environment is moist and warm. If it is not warm, then your seed may grow out stunted and some may even drown after drying out.

Q9: How long to germinate marijuana seeds.

To germinate marijuana seeds, you need a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 48 hours.  Within this period, if planted in a warm and moist environment, you seed cracks its shell and subsequently produces its leaves. If you don't notice any crack in the shell after planting for two days, then an error must have been made.

Always ensure the environment is dark and the soil is moist. If this is always supervised, then within the next 14 days, you can expect full vegetation of your marijuana seed.

Q10: when to plant marijuana seeds:

Many people find it hard to decide when to plant their marijuana seeds. Some wonder if it should be during winter or summer. Others want to know a perfect time to reap their seeds bountifully. All this depend on the medium which you may use while growing your marijuana seed. They are three mediums:

·         The first is the normal marijuana plant which is measured (2m 500mg+/-). You may choose to plant within the spring break as it’s the best time to consider germinating your seed outdoors. Others who use the old school method prefer to grow their plant within the first full moon in March. They prefer this period because the seeds will have light at night time and during the first days of growth, it won’t stretch too much.

·         The second is the small marijuana plant which is measured at (1m 250mg+/-). To Grow small marijuana plants, you may need to wait till the middle of March when considering germinating your seed. This will create enough time for your seeds to grow within a month and they will sprout with more sun.

·         The third is the gigantic marijuana plant which is measured at (3m 1kg+). For you to yield a better result, it is necessary to plant directly into the ground and not inside pots. A greenhouse is needed if you want to grow your seeds for long. This is because your seeds will not experience the cold from winter and will have the right amount of light needed for rapid growth. The best time of the year to grow this is the December period. Make sure you germinate them inside to get enough warm germination and to prevent early death.

Q11. How long does it take marijuana seeds to germinate?

Marijuana seeds take approximately 24 to 48 hours to germinate. You need to ensure the environment is warm and the seed is moist. When planting your seeds using the soil method, it is important to plant at last ½ inch into the soil. This is because the energy exerted from a marijuana seed is much and when its too deep, it may affect its growth negatively.

Dark and moist environments should always be considered when germinating your marijuana seeds. After the first two days, It takes another 2 weeks for your marijuana seed to grow into vegetation.

Q12: How long for marijuana seeds to germinate.

Sometimes an amateur may wonder if it takes a longer time for marijuana seeds to germinate. Well, the answer depends on the environment which the seed is sown. A moist and warm environment will produce a fine result within a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 48 hours. During this period you must ensure your seed is constantly moist as a dry seed may not produce a fruitful result.

After the first two days, the seeds shell may likely crack thereby producing its first leaves. Then subsequently being patient for another 14 days is important for the germination of your marijuana seed. Why is this so? Simply put, your marijuana seed will begin its vegetation period.

Q13: How to plant marijuana seeds in the soil.

Among the various ways which can be used to plant marijuana seeds, is the direct soil method. This method allows you to put your seed straight into the soil whether you have pre-moisten the seed or not. Take note that this method involves having a sizable container after digging a tiny inch well into the soil. In some cases, you may choose to pre-soak the seed and when this happens, you should insert the seed root end down.

Make sure you throw a little amount of soil on the seed and spray a little amount of water to keep the seed moist.

Q14: How long for marijuana seeds to sprout.

Marijuana seeds sprout within a minimum of 24 hours and a maximum of 48 hours. In some cases, it may take longer to sprout especially when its being soaked in water for long. Have you tries using the paper fold method? This is an ideal method as its faster and more effective. All that is required is to ensure the environment is warm, the seed must have a hardback, it must be moist and not dry. If all this are carefully considered, then your seed will sprout within 2 days maximum.

When your seed begins to sprout, its shell is broken and leaves begin to grow. This shows that the seed is moist enough and has the necessary nutrients to grow into vegetation.

Q15: How long do marijuana seeds take to germinate?

In determining how long marijuana seeds take to germinate, you must ensure all the necessary steps are taken. Marijuana seeds take approximately 24 to 48 hours to germinate. But the question is, Do all marijuana seeds grow maximum in 48 hours? The answer depends on the workforce, the environmental factor and the kind of seed purchased.

 Green seeds are not likely to germinate early which is why people prefer purchasing dark brown seeds. If properly moist and well nurtured, a minimum of 24 hours is needed for you to germinate your marijuana seed.

Q16: How long do marijuana seed take to sprout.

Planting marijuana in your garden can be very fruitful depending on the process used when planting. Generally, marijuana seeds do not take much time to sprout. When using the direct soil method, you need to ensure the environment is dark and the seed is moist. Some may choose to grow their seed in a cupboard or a propagator.

Ensure you sprinkle little water on your seed and in less than 48 hours, your marijuana seed will sprout. After 48 hours, your seed will break its shell with a popup of green leaves. This is a good sign that your marijuana seed is growing. Never leave your garden dry as it may dampen the growth of your seed.

Q17: How to germinate marijuana seeds in water.

Germinating marijuana seed in water is another technique that has been used by most people. You may choose to soak your seed overnight in a glass or cup of water but make sure the temperature is warm. When starting avoiding soaking the seed in water for too long as this may deny the seed of oxygen and it may rot.

When the seed has stayed for some time in the water, you should remove the seed from the glass or cup and place it inside the paper towel or directly into the soil. You must ensure the temperature is around 70°F to 90°F and do not forget to keep the seed constantly moist. If the seed is over soak, you should drain off the water as fast as possible to stop the seed from drowning. If all these are followed, then you will successfully reap the fruit of your labour.

Q18: How to germinate marijuana seeds fast.

To grow your marijuana seed fast, you may need to try the paper towel method. The following steps should be followed to germinate your seeds fast.

·         Step one: All that is needed is to get a glass container that has a tight lid. The clear containers are better as they are more visible. A piece of paper towel should be inserted into the bottom part of the container then sprinkle little water to keep it moist. Drop your seeds into the container and close the lid tight.

·         Step two: Avoid any direct contact with the sun and try to put the container in a dark environment. Putting a closed container under the sun will generate more heat and this can easily kill your seeds.

·         Step three: Your marijuana seeds if well planted should germinate within at least 1 day and once you see its leaves popping out, ensure you dig a soil of about a half-inch and place the seed.  Ensure your seed is kept in a pot and always keep the bottom constantly moist to yield a good result.

The paper towel method has a higher growth rate, unlike the other methods. Always ensure your seeds are moist and not over soaked.

Q19: How to plant Germinated marijuana seeds.

After germinating your marijuana seeds, the next step is how to plant your germinated seed. To plant your seed isn’t difficult or strenuous, you just need to follow the needed steps to get a positive result. The following steps will show how to properly plant your germinated marijuana seeds.

·         Step one: select the right pot and fill it with soil. When choosing your pot, make sure you know the height of your plant. Large plants cannot grow in small pots and this is because small pots don't now provide space for root development of large plants. Also when choosing your pot, select a good one with space for drainage. This will make it possible for water to drain easily without drowning your seed.

·         Step two:  create a small dimple in the potting soil by using a pencil into the ground. An estimate of 0,5 – 1,5 cm deep is needed for the dimple.

·         Step 3: Put the marijuana seeds into the dimple by making use of tweezers. When planting a seed by its room it should be within 0.5 to 1.5 cm deep. This should not be overlooked as it is very important when planting your marijuana seed.

·         Step 4: As soon as the marijuana seed is put into the ground, close the ground gently with soil. The seed shouldn’t be exposed to much light and ensure you cover the ground gently without exerting force. At the stage, your marijuana seeds are ready to grow.


How to Germinate seeds.

Q: How to start marijuana seeds indoors.

Growing marijuana seeds indoors do not need any special technique. Among the important factors that should be considered is the lighting effect. When growing marijuana seeds indoors, it is advisable to provide enough light for your seed. Insufficient light is the reason why most seeds have poor growth. There are two options to consider when providing light for your marijuana seed indoors:

1.       LEDs

2.       CFLS( compact fluorescent light).

The compact fluorescent light(CFL) is used mostly in small places such as tents. This is because they produce more heat than LEDs. Their only disadvantage is that they tend to generate more energy and you may have to readjust them often.

Another factor to consider when growing marijuana indoor is “ The tent". A tent is needed when growing marijuana in cold places like your garage as the tent provides warmth within itself thereby enabling your marijuana seed to grow faster indoor. Some tents come with a carbon filter which helps restrict the smell of marijuana only around it. Always ensure that your light is always on 24 hours to have a healthy growth of your marijuana seed.

When growing indoor you may choose to carry out any of the following methods

·         The paper towel method

·         The direct soil method

·         Germinating seeds in water.

You can use any of this method when growing marijuana indoors. Remember that the light should shine 24 hours every day for better growth of your marijuana seeds.


How to Grow weed.

Q1: How do you germinate marijuana seeds?

When germinating marijuana seeds, you must consider the environment carefully. To plant your seed may not be an issue but reaping a healthy growth may likely be negative. This is because marijuana seeds grow at a temperature of 70°F to 90°F and must remain moist at all time.

When germinating marijuana seeds, you may choose to use the direct soil method, the soak in water method or the paper towel method. This all are various means which can be used when germinating marijuana seeds. Do not purchase green coloured seeds as its better to get dark brown seeds. The dark brown seeds come with a hardback and are most likely to yield fine result as at when due.


How To Grow weeds from seeds.

Q1: How to plant marijuana seeds outdoors.

Generally, planting marijuana seeds outdoors are more economical than planting indoors. You do not need to worry about getting a tent or purchasing light. When planting outdoors, the sun is your natural light and you have the opportunity to plant as many seeds as you want. The following steps should be considered when planting marijuana seeds outdoors

·         The climate

Planting your seeds in a temperature below 70°F can be hazardous to your seed and planting above 90° F can also affect your seed negatively. Make sure you grow your seed between 70° F and 90° F. Excess rainfall and wind can damage your seed as it will be soaked with water and may drown. We cannot overemphasize the importance of surveying the weather condition around your country before growing marijuana seeds outdoors.

·         Choose your environment carefully and ensure your garden is free from pest. Most times it is advisable to grow your seed in a dark environment but when growing outside it should be exposed to enough sunlight. Constant airflow is good for your plant but winds can hinder the healthy growth of your seed.

·         Get good soil.

When growing outdoors it is vital to acquire good soil, especially when using the direct soil method. Good soils produce healthy vegetation of marijuana seeds.

·         Water your plant.

When growing cannabis outdoor, ensure your plant is watered at least twice a day. Your seed should remain moist at all times. Never soak your marijuana seed with too much water as it may drown.

By adhering to these steps you will successfully grow your marijuana seed outdoor.

Q2: How deep to plant marijuana seeds

Planting your marijuana seed deep into the ground may not be good. It is important to plant half(1/2) an inch into the ground. Always ensure the plant is moist at all times as seeds sprout early when moist. When your seed is planted an inch into the ground, it gives space for positive growth. Once the shell cracks, then green leaves will start to grow from your seed.

Q3: How deep do you plant Marijuana seeds?

When planting marijuana seeds, do you dig deep into the soil? If you fall under this category then I advise putting a stop. This may be the reason why your marijuana seed takes longer time to sprout. You should plant your seed by measuring ½ inch into the soil. This will enable fast growth and you will yield a healthy plant.


How to make cannabis seeds.

Q1: How to plant marijuana seeds indoors.

When planting marijuana seeds, you may choose to plant outdoor or indoor. Most people prefer to plant outdoors while a few others prefer planting indoor. To plant your marijuana seeds indoor, you must ensure two important factors are in place

1.       The lighting system

2.       The tent.


1.       The lighting system

You should consider using either the compact florescent light or the Led light. This is because for your marijuana seed to grow, it needs a dark environment and constant light. After you get a glass container and insert the seeds, make sure you cover it tightly and keep the seeds moist. Ensure you provide 24 hours light for your marijuana seed.

2.       The tent.

Planting your marijuana seed in a tent can be of great benefit. Most importantly it keeps your seeds warm as it regulates the temperature of either your garage, your workshop or any other place. Some tents are built with carbon filter and this is essential when keeping things private. Your friends or neighbours won't perceive any cannabis smell as the carbon filter restricts the smell from leaving its premises.

When planting indoors you should keep in mind the fact that it is more expensive but if well done, your marijuana seed will grow faster.


How to store cannabis seeds.

Q1: How to make marijuana seeds.

As a beginner, you may be wondering if it's possible to make marijuana seeds? While in some countries marijuana is illegal, so making your seeds may be unlawful. In other countries where marijuana is legal, you must know how to make marijuana seeds. The following procedures are needed when making marijuana seeds.

1.       Choose the characteristics of seed that you want. When making marijuana seeds, it is important to select the genetics of the type of seed that you wish to plant.

2.       Select the dominant genetic of the marijuana seed. You should choose which genetic the male seed will come from. All the characteristics you need must be considered when choosing the male seed.

3.       Make sure you discover the sex and find the keepers. You need to discover the best male and separate it from the female.

4.       Always check the seed for ripeness. Mating is one step while checking for ripeness is another step that should be considered. Some seeds may be green in colour while others may appear dark brown with a hardback. The green ones should not be harvested as they are not mature enough. Make sure you pick the dark brown seeds as they tend to produce better results.

5.       Store your seeds in a dark and warm environment free from direct sunlight.

6.       Check the harvested seeds by dropping them in a glass container to know if they are mature enough. You should estimate a maximum of 48 hours to know if they are good to go. Within that time, your seeds should produce leaves and the shell must have broken.

Once your seeds start growing leaves, then you can prepare yourself for a bountiful harvest of cannabis. A maximum of 14 days is needed for your marijuana seeds to turn into vegetation.

Q2: How to store marijuana seeds.

Questions are being posed by growers on how to store marijuana seeds. The basic fact that must be considered is how warm the environment is. Marijuana seeds should be stored in a dark and dry location where they are free from sunlight.

Some growers store marijuana seeds for 5 years and still find out that the seeds are full of life. Once you ensure proper storage is given to your seed, then you don’t need to worry as your seed will still be active for reproduction.

It is very important to store your marijuana seed in a cold and dark environment. You may choose to store your seed in a freezer or a refrigerator or a drawer or cabinet. Keep the seeds in those places until its time to germinate them. Also note that keeping your marijuana seeds in a freezer or refrigerator can have negative effect on the lifespan of the seed. Once frozen, it becomes weak and cannot be used for vegetation. Monitor your seeds closely so they don’t  get frozen. Never expose your seeds to direct sunlight as it will reduce the life span of your seed.

In the past, many growers have gained from marijuana seeds that are over 10 years old. All is as a result of proper storage.  Humans need loving care and attention likewise marijuana seeds, they need to be treated tenderly.

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